colour scheme 配色 colour-blind 色盲的 colour bar 彩条 color field painting 色面绘画 词形变化 名词: colorer 过去式: colored 过去分词: colored 现在分词: coloring 第三人称单数: colors
Define color-coding. color-coding synonyms, color-coding pronunciation, color-coding translation, English dictionary definition of color-coding. or n a system of easily distinguishable colours, as for the identification of electrical wires or resistors C
full-colour 全色 colour scheme 配色 colour-blind 色盲的 colour code 色标 colour的用法 colour的基本意思是“颜色”,指由物体发射、反射或透过的光波通过视觉所产生的印象。指具体“颜色”时,是可数名词,泛指“颜色”时是不可数名词。常见句型 The leaves start to colour in autumn.树叶在秋天开始变色。
color 翻译 color 翻译基本解释 ●color:颜色
Define color blindness. color blindness synonyms, color blindness pronunciation, color blindness translation, English dictionary definition of color blindness. Noun 1. color blindness - genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue color vision def
color image regularization schemeColor image deconvolutionconjugate gradient methodsimage regulariThis paper proposes a new regularization scheme to address blind color image deconvolution. Conventional blind monochromatic image deconvolution algorithms handle each color channel...
此外,它还有一些常见的搭配和短语,比如“color blind”(色盲的)、“color scheme”(色彩搭配;配色方案)、“in color”(彩色的)等等。 在英英释义方面,作为名词,它有“a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect”(物体因发射、传输或反射的光而产生的视觉属性...
Watermarking Technique Based On Wavelet Transform For Color Image It is based on embedding multiple watermark bits into the luminance component or the blue component of a colour image in discrete wavelet domain. The intend scheme uses image normalization technique to reduce the effect of synchronization...
In this work, we propose a new substitution scheme for color images watermarking based on the Fourier transform. This scheme will be declined into two variants in which the image will be divided into three components R, G and B, and then to each component a transform is applied. The parity...
color blind 色盲 color scheme 色彩搭配 词根词缀及记忆方法:“color”本身是一个基础词汇,没有常见的词根词缀。但可以通过与其他词汇结合来记忆,如“colorful”(多彩的,由“color”+“-ful”形容词后缀构成)、“colorless”(无色的,由“color”+“-less”否定后缀构成)等。 单词造句: She prefers soft colors ...