colorscheme darkblue 这个属性的值,其实是在 /usr/share/vim/vim74/colors 文件夹下的颜色文件。例如,drakblue内容如下 set bg=dark hiclearifexists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif let colors_name="darkblue"hi Normal guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#000040ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black hi ErrorMsg guifg=#...
Dark green is the dominant color. A dark blue and light peach complement the green and are used for the text and CTA’s. Factor This website uses dark green and a bright yellow for its color scheme. The background color is green. The yellow text and boxes provide this website with ...
pbColorSchemeCranberry -10 Cranberry pbColorSchemeCrocus -11 Crocus pbColorSchemeCustom 1 Custom pbColorSchemeDarkBlue -61 DarkBlue pbColorSchemeDesert -12 Desert pbColorSchemeField -13 Field pbColorSchemeFirstUserDefined 2000 FirstUserDefined pbColorSchemeFjord -14 Fjord pbColorSchemeFloral -15 Floral...
Step 2: Select a color scheme Some websites can get away with using a single color for their design. Most of the time, however, you’ll want at least a few shades to work with. To make sure the colors you choose go together well, you can use a basic color scheme. Selecting a col...
Low Contrast Colors: Avoid using colors that are too close in shade, like light gray text on a white background or dark blue on black. High contrast (like black text on a white background) improves legibility. Vibrant and Clashing Colors: Neon or very saturated colors, especially when combi...
系统的配色方案放在/usr/share/vim/vim74/colors/里,输入":colorscheme 方案名",例如":colorscheme desert"即可更改配色方案,不过要在下一次打开vim时还能使用之前设置的方案,还得把":colorscheme 方案名"放在.vimrc文件中,下面放上各个配色方案的截图。
↑ Navy blue has so much black in it that you can add it to most interior color combinations for value contrast (e.g. as an unobtrusive, dark blue background color to show off the brighter hues). In a room color scheme, navy blue works as a "soft black": you can use it as an...
2、 cd ~/vim.vimrc 编辑配置 保存退出 set nucolorschemeslate (填写上面的配色方案) syntax on mac下vim的16种配色方案(代码高亮)展示,及配置 下面给大家展示一下mac下所有vim的配色方案的样式。 darkblue delek elflord koehler murphy peachpuff shine torte default desert evening morning pablo ron slate ...
;; 喜欢暗色系, 以下排名不分先后(color-theme-deep-blue)(color-theme-classic)(color-theme-charcoal...
推荐 solarized,dark