The hexadecimal color code #a4a6a4 is a medium light shade of green. In the RGB color model #a4a6a4 is composed of 64.31% red, 65.1% green and 64.31% blue. In the HSL color space #a4a6a4 has a hue of 120° (degrees), 1% saturation and 65% lightness. This color has an approxim...
内容提示: Pantone Color Lab & RGB & Hex PMS 100C 101C 102C 103C 104C 105C 106C 107C 108C 109C 110C 111C 112C 113C 114C 115C 116C 117C 118C 119C 120C 1205C 121C 1215C 122C 1225C 123C 1235C 124C 1245C 125C 1255C 126C 1265C 127C 128C 129C 130C 131C 132C 133...
Presumably, you’re aware of the various colour matching systems, such as Pantone. There’s a good online video tutorial from that might help (you can get a 30-day free trial): InDesign: Color Management Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply davescm Community...
Pantone 17-1456 2003 Aqua Sky Hex #7FCDCD RGB(127, 205, 205) Pantone 14-4811 2002 True Red Hex #BC243C RGB(188, 36, 60) Pantone 19-1664 2001 Fuchsia Rose Hex #C3447A RGB(195, 68, 122) Pantone 17-2031 2000 Cerulean Blue Hex #98B4D4 RGB(152, 180, 212) Pantone 15-4020 ...
Looking for a reliable hex to Pantone converter that can quickly deliver accurate results? Discover the five best tools with excellent features.
Pantone / PMS ★ 19-4107 TSX / Cavernous#26272a ΔE = 1.179 / LRV ≈ 2.0% Vallejo ★ 70.862 #168#292a2c ΔE = 1.448 / LRV ≈ 2.3% Chrysler ★ Charcoal#242828 ΔE = 1.471 / LRV ≈ 2.0% Dutch Boy ★ Black Leather#282829 ΔE = 1.476 / LRV ≈ 2.1% Testors ★ 2549C#26262...
The hexadecimal color code #664238 is a medium dark shade of red-orange. In the RGB color model #664238 is composed of 40.0% red, 25.88% green and 21.96% blue. In the HSL color space #664238 has a hue of 13° (degrees), 29% saturation and 31% lightness. This color has an appr...
I assume that if I actually want to print it, I would need to use a pantone color. I am looking to create this blue in a pdf document to be viewed on-line. If I set to Only Web Colors, I don't think this color is possible. Thank you for your help .http://handsoneveryday....
The hexadecimal color code #505557 is a medium dark shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #505557 is composed of 31.37% red, 33.33% green and 34.12% blue. In the HSL color space #505557 has a hue of 197° (degrees), 4% saturation and 33% lightness. This color has an approximate...
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