阿肯色( Ākĕnsè = Arkansas ),橙色( chéngsè = orange ),脸色( liănsè = look ),色带( sèdài = ribbon ),色情电影( sèqíngdiànyĭng = porn movie ),颜色( yánsè = color ),着色( zhuósè = to color ) More words that meancolor in Chinese ...
1. The color of a star is measured and quoted in terms of its color index but basically depends on surface temperature: the star will radiate predominantly blue, white, yellow, orange, or red light in descending order of temperature (see spectral types). Only the brightest stars have recogni...
1.(Colours) any of a group of colours, such as that of a ripe tomato or fresh blood, that lie at one end of the visible spectrum, next to orange, and are perceived by the eye when light in the approximate wavelength range 740–620 nanometres falls on the retina. Red is the complem...
Finde das beste Angebot für den Artikel Vallejo Model Color 17ml German Orange VAL805. Klarnas Preisvergleich führt dich zum niedrigsten Preis in der Kategorie Acrylfarben!
2. The RLX active line was an explosion of color, with an infusion of bright oranges and lime greens. 3. Protesters wearing the orange color of pullout opponents pelted police with plastic water bottles while security forces put a water cannon on standby. ...
Metaphor Analysis Pants-making business: This is a symbol of strong black woman’s independence; leaving her old lifestyle, Celie takes up this business to make her own way in the world Roofleaf: This symbolizes the backward nature of the native Africans— it is the leaves on their roofs ...
PhotoKit Online Color Tools: German Grey (hex:#53504e) RGB, HSL, HEX, HSB, CYMK, CIELab code value.
Dutch carrot growers invented the 6__carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family. "Eating carrots helps us to see in the dark." The legend (传说)was developed from stories starting in World War I. British gunners were shooting down German planes 7 .The human body 8...
‘black’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘yellow’, and ‘blue’), to the final stage VII, at which also 5 secondary BCTs are present (‘brown’, ‘orange’, ‘gray’, ‘purple’, and ‘pink’), thus, resulting in the inventory of 11 BCTs. Accordingly, individual languages are classified ...
(made by combining yellow and blue),orange(yellow and red), andviolet(blue and red). Mixing a primary color with anadjacentsecondary color creates an intermediate color. In this model, the intermediate colors are vermilion (red-orange), amber (yellow-orange), chartreuse (yellow-green), teal...