*/(function(console) {'use strict';//Bootlegged of imgur.com/memegenvarmemes = {'10 Guy':'//i.imgur.com/LaENqOV.jpg','3rd World Success Kid':'//i.imgur.com/WA5duA1.jpg',"90's Problems":'//i.imgur.com/tL47qtp.jpg',"Aaand It's Gone":'//i.imgur.com/yf12saq.jpg','Ac...
Actually, this feeds back to our discussion about color therapy, often when there are claims made about color therapy, they talk about the light, but in fact they work with colors and these two aspects shouldn’t be confused. Mills: Let’s talk for a minute about color blindness, which ...
I don't understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared. PS it's OBVIOUSLY BLUE AND BLACK — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)February 27, 2015 What color is that dress? I see white & gold. Kanye sees black & blue, who is color blind...
Jonauskaite: I know exactly which meme you are talking about, and what I can say is that there is a high variability in the number of color terms people know. So some know only 11 basic terms and others maybe know 100, especially when we go to specialists who have to use colors in ...
light at the same intensity as the light source is producing. Actually, this feeds back to our discussion about color therapy, often when there are claims made about color therapy, they talk about the light, but in fact they work with colors and these two aspects shouldn’t be confused. ...