minecraft/server-ui minecraft/server minecraft/server minecraft/server Changelog BlockComponentTypes BlockPistonState BlockVolumeIntersection CustomComponentNameErrorReason Direction DisplaySlotId DyeColor EasingType EnchantmentSlot EntityComponentTypes EntityDamageCause ...
value: number; Value of this particular color. Type:number Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. Constants componentId static read-only componentId = "minecraft:color"; Type:string 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo
Installation: 1. Download the mod 2. Download and install forge 3. Locate your .minecraft folder 4. Put the mod in your mods folder 5. Run minecraft and play Remember to leave suggestions for new decoration blocks (a image would be nice) and that this is a WIP mod so be nice....
importnet.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicStringgetUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack){returnsuper.getUnlocalizedName(stack) +"."+ EnumDyeColor.byDyeDamage(MathHelper.clamp(stack.getItemDamage(),0,15)); } 开发者ID:TeamPneumatic,项目名称:pnc-repressurized,代码行数...
包路径:net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor类名称:EnumDyeColor方法名:values EnumDyeColor.values介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void registerModels() { ModelHandler.registerItemAllMeta(this, EnumDyeColor.values().length); } 代码示例来源:...
importnet.minecraft.block.material.MapColor;//导入方法依赖的package包/类publicBlockGemrock(String name, EnumDyeColor dyeColor){super(Material.ROCK, MapColor.getBlockColor(dyeColor));this.setRegistryName("gemrock."+name);this.setUnlocalizedName("thermionics_world.gemrock."+name);this.setHarvestLev...
return EnumDyeColor.byMetadata(meta).getColorValue(); blocks.registerBlockColorHandler( (state, world, pos, tintIndex) -> { if (world != null && pos != null) { return camoState.getBlock() instanceof BlockCamo ? 0xFFFFFF : Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockColors().colorMultiplier(camoSt...
洛杉磯2021年7月7日 /美通社/ -- 全球電子競技組織 Gen.G 和創新休閒鞋類品牌 Crocs, Inc. (NASDAQ: CROX) 宣佈合作舉辦 Minecraft 建造比賽。為慶祝 Crocs 推出全新 All Family Tie-Dye 系列,比賽的主題是「Build Your Life in Colour」(建造精彩生活)。比賽從 7 月 6 日開始至 7 月 19 日結束,鼓勵玩...
LOS ANGELES,July 7, 2021/PRNewswire/ -- Global esports organization Gen.G and innovative casual footwear brand Crocs, Inc. (NASDAQ: CROX) announced a partnership for a Minecraft build competition. Celebrating the release of Crocs' new All Family Tie-Dye collection, the theme of ...
Got this while it was on sale for 5 bucks. I would have been so Mad if I paid full price. The software on this thing is terrible. My little girl was bored with it in minutes. Ok for 5 bucks but not worth more. Helpful?