1. 控制台颜色设置 在使用cmd或PowerShell等控制台窗口时,可以通过color命令来改变窗口背景色和前景色,让它更容易区分不同的信息。例如,当你使用dir命令列出目录时,通过改变前景色和背景色可以使不同类型的文件名更容易识别,提高浏览效率,批处理如下:@echo off set "str1=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A ...
A command-line color library with 16/256/True color support, universal API methods and Windows support.中文说明 Basic color preview:Now, 256 colors and RGB colors have also been supported to work in Windows CMD and PowerShell:FeaturesSimple to use, zero dependencies Supports rich color output:...
例:reg add "HKCR*\shell\WinDbg\command" /t REG_SZ /d ""D:\Program Files (x86)\windbg\windbg.exe" -z "%1" " /f // 强制添加windbg打开dump文件到右键菜单的注册表项(不指明/v,键值将写入默认值名中) 例:reg add "HKCR*\shell\WinHex\command" /t REG_SZ /d ""D:\software-setup\sys...
when CMD.EXE started. This value either comes from the current console window, the /T command line switch or from the DefaultColor registry value. The COLOR command sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 if an attempt is made to execute the COLOR command with a foreground and background color that are the ...
Locate the link you wish to modify, such as Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this on Windows 10 is to clickStart, then type in the command you want to change. When it appears in the list, right-click and selectOpen file location. This will open an Explorer window and show you...
rebootWipeUserData方法会封装参数 --wipe_data,–locale,然后调用bootCommand方法,这些命令可以在recovery log(/cache/recovery/*.log)信息中看到,bootCommand方法会进一步调用RecoverySystemService的setupBcb方法将封装的参数写入到BCB中。 5、RecoverySystemService的setupBcb方法如下所示。 /frameworks/base/services/core/...
fmt.Printf("%s line %s library\n",red("Command"),green("color"))// 自定义颜色color.New(color.FgWhite,color.BgBlack).Println("custom color style")// 也可以:color.Style{color.FgCyan,color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")// internal style:color.Info.Println("message")color.Warn....
XlCheckInVersionType XlClipboardFormat XlCmdType XlColorIndex XlColumnDataType XlCommandUnderlines XlCommentDisplayMode XlConditionValueTypes XlConnectionType XlConsolidationFunction XlContainsOperator XlCopyPictureFormat XlCorruptLoad XlCreator XlCredentialsMethod XlCubeFieldSubType XlCubeFieldType XlCutCopyMode ...
5. http://weblogs.asp.net/george_v_reilly/changing-the-console-font 6. http://superuser.com/questions/55318/how-to-change-the-cmd-exe-font 7. http://www.windows7en.com/Win7/6717.html 8. http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-add-and-change-fonts-in-windows-command-prompt.html...
CMFCColorMenuButton::GetColorByCmdID 检索与指定命令 ID 对应的颜色。 static COLORREF GetColorByCmdID(UINT uiCmdID); 参数 uiCmdID [in] 命令 ID。 返回值 与指定命令 ID 对应的颜色。 注解 在应用程序中有多个颜色按钮时,请使用此方法。 当用户单击颜色按钮时,该按钮会在 WM_COMMAND 消息中将其命令...