题目:In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram. A. 在某些情况下,导线是以颜色编码的,这些情况应在接线图上标明。 B. 在某些情况下,导线的颜色是喷涂上去的,在线路图上标出了。 C. 在某些情况下,线路图上会标出以颜色区分的导线分布情况。 A. 在某些...
^ In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram. A.在某些情况下,导线是以颜色编码的,这些情况向在接线图上标明。 B.在某些情况下, C.在某些情况下,线路图上会标出以颜色区分的导线分布情况。 正确答案 ...
I'm making a table for a wiring diagram that requires table cells to be color coded. Using unstructured FrameMaker, is it possible to fill an entire cell with color? I figured I'd change the font color to white to offset the color....
1138^ In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram.A.在某些情况下,导线是以颜色编码的,这些情况向在接线图上标明。B.在某些情况下,C.在某些情况下,线路图上会标出以颜色区分的导线分布情况。的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,
Wiring systemsare color-coded to identify individual wires. This type of system is most helpful to identify wires during maintenance activities. The term “DC power” is often used instead of “DC voltage” when speaking about wire color codes (note: DC power is not interchangeable with the te...
I don't recall colour-coded (UK) schoolbooks, in particular (except the "red pirate, green pirate, blue pirate, etc" stories for young kids, the red pirate like only rubies, the green one emeralds, the blue probably sapphires, and had clothing/etc that matched, naturally), but I had ...
^ In some cases, wires are color coded and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram.A.在某些情况下,导线是以颜色编码的,这些情况向在接线图上标明。B.在某些情况下,C.在某些情况下,线路图上会标出以颜色区分的导线分布情况。 免费查看参考答案及解析 12345678910下一页共2000条数据 类目题库...
2) connection color code 连接线色彩代码3) wire color code 导线颜色代码4) wiring code 导线代码5) wire color code abbreviation 导线颜色代码缩写6) colour transcode 彩色代码转换机补充资料:彩色 彩色 color 彩色(color)一种不可忽视的环境因素。彩色一向被用于广告或人们休息、娱乐和消遣的场所,而被...
5) color coded wiring diagram 导线色彩代码表6) colour code 颜色代号;色码补充资料:颜色编码 颜色编码 color coding 颜色编码(eolor eoding)用颜色作代码对传送的信息进行编码。颜色代码可分反射色和发光色两类。反射色编码必须在一定的照明条件下使用。颜色代码包含色调、饱和度与明度三种特性。人类对色调...
coded wires. A step down transformer is utilized in order to put a low voltage on the wires 25c through 40c so as to minimize the possibility of an electrical shock while performing the test. If it is desired, the indicator lamps 43 may be physically located so that the individual being...