The hexadecimal RGB code of Royal Blue color is #002366 and the decimal is rgb(0,35,102). The red-green-blue components are 00 (0) red, 23 (35) green and 66 (102) blue.
Royal Blue ColorColors Royal blue is a deep shade of blue characterized by its vividness and slight brightness. According to W3C, the royal blue hex color code is #4169E1. Royal Blue Color Code The table below displays the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the color royal blue. Hex:...
Royal Blue#4169E1Click to copy hex code Royal blue color codes Nail the exact color royal blue in your design by using the code from any one of these systems for color identification. Hex #4169E1 RGB r: 65, g: 105, b: 225 HSL h: 225°, s: 73%, l: 57% HSV h: 225°, s:...
In the 1980s, “royal blue” received an RGB code and became an official color name (or one could say atitlebecause it’s genuinely an imperial hue).The hex code for royal blue is #4169E1. Application in design Royal blue hasn’t been around for as long as red, yellow, or black, ...
Royal blue's vibrant and majestic hue signifies sophistication and power. Learn more about the color royal blue in this guide.
The hexadecimal RGB code of Queen Blue color is #436B95 and the decimal is rgb(67,107,149). The red-green-blue components are 43 (67) red, 6B (107) green and 95 (149) blue.
Royal Blue:#4169E1 Teal:#008080 Egyptian Blue:#1434A4 Indigo:#3F00FF Sapphire Blue:#0F52BA Periwinkle:#CCCCFF Electric Blue:#7DF9FF Iris:#5D3FD3 Powder Blue:#B6D0E2 Zaffre:#0818A8 Cobalt Blue:#0047AB Cornflower Blue:#6495ED Ultramarine:#0437F2 ...
privatevoidShowPropertiesOfSlateBlue(PaintEventArgs e){ Color slateBlue = Color.FromName("SlateBlue");byteg = slateBlue.G;byteb = slateBlue.B;byter = slateBlue.R;bytea = slateBlue.A;stringtext = String.Format("Slate Blue has these ARGB values: Alpha:{0}, "+"red:{1}, green: {2}...
AMC Royal Blue / #1d2332 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #1d2332 is a dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #1d2332 is composed of 11.37% red, 13.73% green and 19.61% blue. In the HSL color space #1d2332 has a hue of 223° (degrees), 27% saturation and 15% ...
RGB code has 24 bits format (bits 0..23): RED[7:0]GREEN[7:0]BLUE[7:0] 231615870 RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (when R is RED, G is GREEN and B is BLUE) Calculation examples White RGB Color White RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+255 = #FFFFFF ...