The hexadecimal RGB code of Emerald color is #50C878 and the decimal is rgb(80,200,120). The red-green-blue components are 50 (80) red, C8 (200) green and 78 (120) blue.
color holographic portrait of Aleko Konstantinov; detail from a monument of Aleko Konstantinov, changing its color from emerald green to sapphire blue when changing the viewing angle; dynamic chess effect with change of color from emerald green to sapphire blue at change of viewing angle and volume...
Color NameColorHex CodeR,G, B gold#FFD700255, 215, 0 silver#C0C0C0192,192,192 bronze#CD7F32205,127,50 brass#B5A642181, 166, 66 copper#B87333184, 115, 51 platinum#E5E4E2229, 228, 226 emerald#50C87880,200,120 ivory#FFFFF0255,255,240 ...
Emerald green color codes Nail the exact color emerald green in your design by using the code from any one of these systems for color identification. Hex #50C878 RGB r: 80, g: 200, b: 120 HSL h: 140°, s: 52%, l: 55% HSV h: 140°, s: 60%, v: 78% CMYK c: 60%, m:...
TheMea Cuppawebsite uses an eye-pleasing color palette that incorporates a couple of jewel tones (ruby and emerald) for maximum vivacity, but otherwise relies on a neutral, monochromatic palette of browns and greys. The web design palette evokes a coffee shop feel and is reflected in the site...
evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 490 to 570 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue is that of the emerald or somewhat less yellow than that of growing grass; one of the additive or light...
Emerald Ireland Indigo Occupation of Iceland Brown Philippines Gray Caribbean Tan Cuba White Domestic uprisings within the United StatesNotably absent are the Soviet Union and Italy (plans for Italy by this time presumably having been rolled into Plan Black).Over...
FlatUI Colors (emerald, carrot, amethyst...) Custom Colors (define your own custom colors!) Also displays the color in the gutter, with options to copy to clipboard in different formats! Donate This theme is backed up by OpenCollective. If you like this plugin, don't hesitate to give it...
Dark green is a deep shade of green known for its connection to growth and prosperity. Learn more about the color dark green in this guide.
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