Help kids learn colors with this set of printable color worksheets. These color activity pages will help kids learn to write the words for each colors as well as practice drawing objects for each color. Find tons of color worksheets and other preschool
blue, white, gray, red, yellow, purple, green, orange, pink and brown. These worksheets are very easy to prepare; just print and they are ready to be given to your students.
PracticeConsonant Blendswith cute printable puzzles Slide and ReadBlends Activity Beginning BlendsFall Activities for 1st Grade Blue Bird SortingBlends Activity Read and ColorEnding Blends Worksheets Mitten Initial BlendsWinter Activities for 1st Grade ...
I have used blue, yellow, red and green. Children will follow the number map: 1- Blue, 2- Yellow, etc. When it is all colored in correctly, the number word will be bright and bold! Other Ways To Use This Activity: Assemble the completed colored pages, or uncolored pages in clear ...
blue brown green red white yellow The above colors are included on many sight word lists. In addition, we recommend including the following two colors: orange purple The words, orange and purple, can be referred to as standalones. In other words, they do not rhyme with another word. Since...
Blue Word WheelMake a word wheel about 8 blue things using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. After putting the wheel together, the student colors the pictures. When you spin the wheel, the 8 blue things appear, one at a time....
Learn all about color with this FREE printable color wheel activity. Use the printable color wheel worksheets to create the primary and secondary colors. It is a simple way to explore color, one of the 7 elements of art, that’s so easy to do! Encourage their creativity today with budget...
Explore the different ocean animals living in the deep blue ocean. This is the perfect activity to pair with your other ocean activities. PinOcean Color By Number Chinese Zodiac Animals Color By Number Try these Chinese Zodiac Animals Color By Number worksheets when celebrating the Chinese New ...
The printable includes full page printouts for the following colors: black, yellow, white, blue, red, purple, pink, orange, green, brown, and gray. Each poster includes the color word in English and Spanish! A second version of full page posters includes the preschool colors in Spanish first...
Teach Children Colors - Printable Color Worksheets Read and Color Worksheets Learn about Colors Matching Colors Worksheets Kids Learning Colors Worksheets Color Recognition Worksheets for Kids Color by Number Color the Patterns Worksheets Count and Color Worksheets ...