Download 色盲测试-色弱测试-Color Blindness Test. 色盲测试-色弱测试-Color Blindness Test,更好的了解自己对颜色的分辨情况色弱或色盲是指辨色过程中有环节出了毛病,人眼辨别颜色的能力发生障碍。多半因视锥状细胞异常所致,大部分为家族遗传,也有部分为后天疾病所致
color blindness 色盲 Color Blindness Test 色盲测验 color card 色卡 ...|基于31个网页 2. 颜色测试 应用排行榜-小米应用商店 ... 贪婪的蜘蛛 Greedy Spiders 颜色测试 Color Blindness Test 贪婪的荣耀 Greed for Glory ...|基于1 个网页...
《Color Blindness Test 色盲测试》是一款非常优秀的应用,它能够提供一系列板色觉缺陷先天性起源的评估,并以快速、准确的方式让用户进行测试。 这款应用最大的优点之一是其快速性。用户只需简单下载并打开应用,即可立即开始进行色盲测试。相比传统的色盲测试方式,这款应用省去了预约、排队等等繁琐的步骤,让测试过程更加...
Color Blind Test for Kids Welcome to the EnChroma Color Blind Test for Kids (Ages 5+) If your child has color blindness, our test can tell you their type and level of color color vision deficiency in less than 2 minutes. Shape Mode: ...
The Ishihara Color test is a test to determine if a patient has color blindness. It was named after Dr. Shinobu Ishihara who first published the test in 1917 as a professor at the University of Tokyo. The test is made up of a series of circles comprising many small colored dots, called...
The commonly used test for color blindness is the Ishihara Test. Color blindness testing may be relevant for athletes - testing the ability of athletes to distinguish team colors and the ball from the crowd and background surfaces may be appropriate for some
When I took the old EnChroma Color Blind Test, it told me if my colorblindness was mild, moderate, or severe. Why does the new test not tell me which one I am? The new test gives much more specific results for each cone, instead of broad categories like mild, moderate, and severe....
There is a new form of color blindness test coming up: Color Blind Check uses a new method and its results look very promising. But this new form still needs more time to develop and calibration to count as a trustable color blindness test. Leave a Reply You must be logged in to ...
Ishihara Test for Color Blindness ( Farnsworth 100 Hue测试 治疗和纠正 如果你来这里寻找色盲疗法,我非常遗憾地说没有。 由于华盛顿大学的一些惊人研究,已经成功地治愈了猴子的色盲。两只猴子已经治愈,没有不良...
1) Color Blindness Test 色盲测验 2) leukoscope 色盲测验器 3) leukoscope 色盲测验镜 4) Ishihara Test 石原氏色盲测验 5) Stilling Test 斯梯陵色盲测验 6) Nagel's test 纳格尔色盲测验补充资料:色盲 色盲color blindness 辨色能力的缺陷。有先天性和后天性两大类,前者为遗传性缺陷,后者见于...