色盲测试,免费检查Vous aimerez peut-être aussi i护眼 - 色盲色弱视力测试 健康健美 色盲体检宝-色弱也能看懂测试图,颜色识别 色盲色弱自检 健康健美 Color Blind Test (CBT) 健康健美
We provide an easy-to-use, online color blind test for kids that helps identify color blindness in children. Take this fun and engaging color blind test now!
Take the # 1 online color blind test at EnChroma to detect color vision deficiency. Assess your vision & find out if you're color blind in less than 2 minutes!
Take the # 1 online color blind test at EnChroma to detect color vision deficiency. Assess your vision & find out if you're color blind in less than 2 minutes!
The test is made up of a series of circles comprising many small colored dots, called Ishihara Plates. Certain colored dots within each circle combine to form a number or pattern – the ability to correctly determine the number or pattern reveals whether or not a person may be color blind....
A simple color blind test can detect color vision problems you may not be aware of. Learn about the different types of color vision tests and when to have one.
treatment: There is no treatment for color blindness, though colors can be chosen that limit the possibility of confusion for color blind individuals.comments: This test was developed by the Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara (1879-1963), who developed this test at at the Military Medical ...
Are you color blind? Our Free online color blind tests are quick and easy way to determine if you are color blind.
颜色名称选择器是识别颜色名称和颜色十六进制代码的最佳工具。您可以使用手机摄像头或增强现实 AR 模式识别颜色名称。您还可以通过从照片库导入照片来获取颜色名称。您可以创建自己的颜色数据库,也可以从我们的颜色数据库 | Color Name Picker - Blind Test怎么样,是否值
网络释义 1. 色盲测试 什么意思_英语blind_test在线翻译... ... double blind test 二重盲检法 ; 双盲试验 ; 双盲测试Color Blind Test色盲测试... dict.youdao.com|基于 1 个网页