你的殖民地大冒险(Colony Survival)是一款策略类防守游戏。玩家可以在中世纪的游戏背景中建立属于自己的势力,而为了让城市和平发展,你需要保护你的殖民地不被怪物侵袭,修建城墙,挖壕沟,建造堡垒以应对日益严重的威胁,喜欢防守策略游戏的小伙伴们赶快来下载体验吧! 游戏背景设定 殖民者和怪物都可以在你的世界里找到他们...
you can be equally considered for the latter regardless of how strong you have grown your colony. To a great extent, being in an alliance wards of some threats against your colony’s survival but as bigger and more powerful, or even more tactically organized also exist...