网络菌落形成单位 网络释义 1. 菌落形成单位 以菌落形成单位(colony-forming units,CFU)表示 3.1 选菌落数在30~300CFU,无蔓延菌落生长的平板 计数菌落总数。低于3…|基于12个网页
[colony-forming unit fibroblast; colony-forming unit fibroblastoid; fibroblast colony-forming cells; fibroblast colony-forming units] This term refers to a population of adherent cells from the bone marrow grown in culture (see also:colony formation assay,BMC).These bone marrow stromal cells and ...
网络菌落形成单位;集落形成单位;细菌菌落总数 网络释义
colony forming unit erythroid (CFU E) 红细胞系集落生成单位 burst forming unit erythroid (BFU E) 红细胞系爆裂样生成单位 colony forming unit spleen (CFU S) 脾集落生成单位 colony forming unit 群落形成单位,集落形成单位 megakaryocyte colony forming cell 巨核细胞系集落生成细胞 megakaryocyte colon...
[colony-forming unit fibroblast; colony-forming unit fibroblastoid; fibroblast colony-forming cells; fibroblast colony-forming units] This term refers to a population of adherent cells from the bone marrow grown in culture (see also:colony formation assay,BMC).These bone marrow stromal cells and ...
英文缩写 CFU 英文缩写CFU 英文全称colony forming unit 中文解释菌落形成单位,集落形成单位 CFU意思,CFU的意思,CFU是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于CFU的解释和缩写,菌落形成单位,集落形成单位的英文缩写是什么
菌落形成单位(colony forming unit,cfu)是指在活菌培养计数时.由单个菌体或聚集成团的多个菌体在固体培养基上生长繁殖所形成的集落.称为菌落形成单位,以其表达活菌的数量。菌落形成单位的计量方式与一般的计数方式不同,一般直接在显微镜下计算细菌数量会将活与死...
[colony-forming unit fibroblast; colony-forming unit fibroblastoid; fibroblast colony-forming cells; fibroblast colony-forming units] This term refers to a population of adherent cells from the bone marrow grown in culture (see also:colony formation assay,BMC).These bone marrow stromal cells and ...
colony-forming unit a unit of cells in bone marrow capable of generating or increasing the proliferation of new blood cells. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 col·o·ny-form·ing u·nit (CFU)(kol'ŏ-nē-fōrm'ing yū'nit) ...
造血干细胞CFU(Colony Forming Unit)集落形成检测 主要试剂 DPBS,HSCs培养液,MethoCult®培养基,HSCs稀释液 主要设备 离心机,超净台,体视镜,倒置显微镜,35 mm、100 mm培养皿,注射器,16号钝针头,移液器,涡旋仪,5 mL、10 mL移液管,离心管 实验步骤 ...