Background and Objectives Cord blood unit (CBU) total colony-forming unit (CFU) count both pre-cryo and post-thaw has been shown to be associated with platelet (PLT) engraftment. Pre-cryo CBUs show good growth of megakaryocytic CFUs (CFU-Mk); however, CFU-Mk have rarely been studied in ...
Colony forming units are used to count the number of viable cells in a bacterial stock. This is important for using bacterial stocks in experiments where the amount of bacterial growth anticipated during the experiment needs to be known. What is a colony-forming unit? A colony-forming unit (...
burst-forming unit C3 NeF C3 nephritic factor cachectin Christmas factor citrovorum factor clone colonial References in periodicals archive ? TABLE 2: Mean number of colony-forming units of bacteria per cubic meter of air at various distances from edge of fields with grazing sheep, Imperial Valley...
沪江词库精选colony counting是什么意思、英语单词推荐 菌落计数,菌落计数 相似短语 colony counting 菌落计数,菌落计数 colony forming unit 群落形成单位,集落形成单位 colony microstructure 晶团显微组织 daughter colony 子菌落 filamentous colony 丝状菌落 gonidial colony (GC) 分生子菌落 intermediate ...
In microbiology, a CFU stands for colony-forming units. It is a unit that we use for estimating the number of viable bacteria or the fungal cells in a sample. Counting with the CFU colony-forming units needs culturing the microbes. It counts only the via
colony-forming unit (redirected fromColony forming unit) Acronyms colony-forming unit a unit of cells in bone marrow capable of generating or increasing the proliferation of new blood cells. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
colony count colony counter colony counters colony counting colony formation colony forming unit colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) Referenzen Google Google Pictures Wikipedia Wiktionary EN↔CN 海词 DE↔EN Linguee EN→DE Collins DE↔EN LEO DE↔EN Langenscheidt DE...
105/kg/unit Post-thaw CFU-GM x 104/kg/unit Median 2.65 2.2586%90%0.90 1.25 Range 1.06–6.870.92–5.3650–121%34–98%0.13–3.690.00–4.38 114 COLONY-FORMING-UNIT(CFU)ASSAY WITH HIGH-RESOLUTION DIGITAL IMAGING:A RELIABLE SYSTEM FOR CORD BLOOD(CB)CFU EVALUATION Al...
(b) Phase-contrast image of a colony-forming unit (CFU). Nonadherent cells were selected from peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured for counted. 2 d. They were grown in culture medium supplemented with cytokines and growth factors at 37 °C and 5% CO2 for 7 d, and CFUs were then...
5) Colony Forming Unit(CFU) 菌落形成单位(菌落数)6) CFU number 菌落形成单位数补充资料:菌落 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称集落。微生物培养在固体培养基上(如琼脂平板)或细胞在液体培养基中贴壁生长中由一个单独的细胞形成的一群细胞。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。