Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is performed on a computerfrom CT images of the colon(4). It is used in patients that are not able to undergo classical colonoscopy or they refuse it. The same colon prep is needed as in conventional colonoscopy, and the air has to be inflated into a colon befo...
Other drugs include oral sodium phosphate tablets, such as OsmoPrep and Visicol, which are available by prescription. OsmoPrep involves taking 32 pills along with drinking 64 ounces of clear liquids. Over-the-counter oral sodium phosphate products were withdrawn from the market after the FDA warne...
If someone in your family has had colon cancer, rectal cancer, or polyps, talk with your doctor about when to have your first screening. They may want you to start earlier. 3/15 The Day Before You need to prep or clean out your colon before the procedure. Your doctor will tell you ...
Less common medicines might be used, like pills or a meal kit, depending on your unique needs. This medicine will make you frequently use the bathroom. Make sure that you stay home, near a bathroom, after you take the laxatives.
In general, about seven days before the colonoscopy, you should discontinue some of your medications. The common examples include NSAIDs, iron and fiber supplements, and herbal products. If you take blood thinners or diabetes pills, you should discuss what to do with your doctor. It’s crucial...
Following a colonoscopy prep diet.This is made up of low fiber food; this stage lasts for three to four days, with a liquid-only food intake on the final day before the colonoscopy. Drinking bowel-cleaning liquids.These are medications called laxatives, which may take the form of pills or...