These colonoscopy prep medications in tablet form have sodium phosphate and other ingredients. You'll drink less water with them, around 3 liters instead of the typical 4. While they may work well, OSP medicines can cause stomach-related side effects. Saline-based kits Saline-based laxatives us...
The constipation drug lubiprostone - a chloride pump activator in tablet form - has been used anecdotally in patients unable to tolerate drinking a full gallon of PEG and electrolytes as part of the bowel cleansing preparation for colonoscopy. To test the effectiveness of lubiprostone as part ofco...
Sodium Phosphate (NAP) Tablet Colonoscopy Preps Are Associated with Fewer After-Hours Telephone Calls to Physicians Because of Prep DifficultiesBackground: Transgastric flexible endoscopic surgery might offer advantages over open and laparoscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to develop methods for...
Is Oral Sulfate Tablet Effective and Safe for Bowel Preparation Before Colonoscopy in Elderly People 65 Years of Age and Older?doi:10.21203/ KimYong Eun ParkTae Oh KimSeun Park