CLENPIQ is a saline-based laxative that uses Sodium Phosphate as its primary osmotic agent, as well as other mineral salts (such as potassium and magnesium). The salts contain natural electrolytes. Other saline-based colonoscopy prep drink brands include: Suprep, Prepopik, Visicol, OsmoPrep, and...
These colonoscopy prep medications in tablet form have sodium phosphate and other ingredients. You'll drink less water with them, around 3 liters instead of the typical 4. While they may work well, OSP medicines can cause stomach-related side effects. Saline-based kits Saline-based laxatives us...
Dr. Derek Ebner, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, offers tips on how to make colonoscopy bowel prep, essentially a strong laxative, easier. "The entire spirit of doing the colonoscopy prep is to make sure that there is nothing in the colon," says Dr. Ebner. That's so your medical team ...
Good to know:It is important, and not harmful, for a person preparing for a colonoscopy to drink the prep solution as planned, even if they already have diarrhea before starting to to take it. The prep solution is designed to ensure that any solid stool which may have formed higher up i...
Although this post is quite humorous in parts, colonoscopy is serious business. We all dread them, and if you’re anything like me, worse than the actual procedure is the poison prep we have to drink the day prior to the test. In this post I share some of the humorous...
This will make the actual prep much easier. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 5 Question Can I drink water the night of a colonoscopy? Jurdy Dugdale, RN Medical Review Board Expert Answer Yes, you can have water the night before your colonoscopy. Any clear liquid is ok. Not Helpful 1 Helpful...
Dr. Derek Ebner, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, offers tips on how to make colonoscopy bowel prep, essentially a strong laxative, easier. "The entire spirit of doing the colonoscopy prep is to make sure that there is nothing in the colon," says Dr. Ebner. ...