5 BABIES HIT WITH MRSA IN HOSPITAL; 'Infants did not suffer illness' "There is concern that other African countries don't want to be colonised by an economic power," says Gelb. Nepad: Africa fears S African 'colonisation' "Delays could result in more patients becoming colonised or infected...
The history of financial institutions in decolonising countries and newly independent states, especially in Africa, shows the politically contentious nature of control over financial institutions, especially the central bank. This article investigates the particular circumstances surrounding the emergence of a...
Vanuatuwasoneof thefewplaces that wascolonisedjointlybytwocountries. 瓦努阿图是少数几个由两个国家共同殖民的国家之一。 3. ThissuddenappearanceofsuchdiversitysuggeststhattheseanthropoidsprobablycolonisedAfricafromsomewhereelse. 这种多样性的突然出现表明,这些类人猿可能是从其他地方来到非洲殖民的。
Verb1.decolonize- grant independence to (a former colony); "West Africa was decolonized in the early 1960's" decolonise set free,liberate- grant freedom to; "The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university" colonise,colonize- settle as a colony; of countries in the ...
2. Vanuatu was one of the few places that was colonised jointly by two countries. 瓦努阿图是少数几个由两个国家共同殖民的国家之一。 www.hjenglish.com 3. This sudden appearance of such diversity suggests that these anthropoids probably colonised Africa from somewhere else. 这种多样性的突然出现表明...
In Muslim countries of North Africa, blind people often got resources from a number of Zaouïa or habous (religious charity foundation). In the same way, blind Jews received the tzedaka (alms to the poor), which could be given in different ways (money, loans, job offer, etc.). These ...
Colonised minds? Post-development theory and the desirability of development in AfricaWhile post-development theory is very concerned with the ways in which development has impacted upon the countries of the Global South, there has been relatively little written on post-development theory from an ...
The paper deploys decoloniality theory to engage Australia's lack of a neat fit within a historicised articulation of a "coloniser‐colonised" relationship between Europe and Africa. We show that, despite this lack of fit, Australia's relations with the countries of Africa reinforce long‐...
His panacea was the use of mercenaries to enthrone law and order in sub-Saharan Africa, after which, "African governments should invite former colonists back as partners in running their countries, developing their economies and educating their people. The 'politically correct' hacks of the world ...
The notion of decolonisation implies the existence of a territory, entity, structure, or system which has previously been colonised by exogenous forces and thus needs to be liberated. In most African countries, the discourses of decolonisation of higher education emanate from the shared experience of...