Australias history is not often considered to be an indicator of any persons health status. However, as health professionals we are taught the importance of taking and listening to our clients detailed history to assist us in our comprehension of the issues impacting upon their lives. This skill...
Australias history is not often considered to be an indicator of any persons health status. However, as health professionals we are taught the importance of taking and listening to our clients detailed history to assist us in our comprehension of the issues impacting upon their lives. This skill...
Up until 1967, Indigenous Australians weren’t counted in the government census. It was around this same time in Australia that Aboriginal stockmen finally received the right to be paid award wages. Historical timeline: Our shared history Take a few minutes to review Our Shared History. It highl...
Our timeline for the colonisation of Acacia co- incides with the first major step towards aridity during the mid-Miocene and the development of a more acute dry season in Central Australia [63]. It is at this time that Acacia replaced Eucalyptus in the developing arid regions. Acacia ...
[15,68]. Our timeline for the colonisation ofAcaciacoincides with the first major step towards aridity during the mid-Miocene and the development of a more acute dry season in Central Australia [63]. It is at this time thatAcaciareplacedEucalyptusin the developing arid regions.Acaciarepresented...
Furthermore, 2700-million-year-old fossilised archaeon lipids have also been found in shale samples from the Pilbara Craton, Australia [75], thus providing more conclusive evidence which aids in the creation of the microbial timeline. Bacteria/Eukarya produce membrane lipids with hydrophobic fatty ...