Introduction: The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) has set clear guidelines on post-polypectomy surveillance colonoscopy for adenomatous polyps. The present study aims to determine whether these guidelines were adhered to in a screening unit, where colonoscopy is offered to anyone between 50 ...
BSG Quality and Safety Indicators for Endoscopy. The Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy. 2007.2. Cairns SR, Scholefield JH, Steele RJ, et al. Guidelines for colorectal cancer screening and surveillance in moderate and high risk groups (update from 2002). Gut 2010;59:666鈥 90.Competing ...
For en-bloc resections follow-up was at a minimum as per BSG guidelines but additional surveillance procedures may have been undertaken due to patient and histological factors. All initial resections were performed by JMS with Olympus equipment the majority by lift and cut method. Argon was used...
Right-sided colonic adenomas tend to reoccur on the same side and correlate with more advanced surveillance polyp pathologyT., ParadowskiE., ChahlaH., HussanT., MalmstromJ., LaBundy
S3127Colonic Polyp Surveillance Guidelines Are Appropriate for Younger Patients Despite Having Higher Grade Polyps on Surveillance Colonoscopy Compared With Older Patientsdoi:10.14309/01.ajg.0000714556.49887.5fShah, KushangMizrahi, JosephMyer, Adam
A Case of Colonic Mucosubmucosal Elongated Polyp in Sigmoid Colon on Surveillance Colonoscopy: 1908Fan, XiaowenHershman, MelissaLevi, GabrielWeisberg, IlanOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG
In vivo prediction of polyp histology allowed us to set the correct surveillance interval in 83% of cases using WLI alone and in 97% of cases using either FICE or IC based on BSG guidelines.ConclusionFICE and indigo carmine significantly improves the in vivo diagnosis of diminutive colonic ...
According to current guidelines, the indication and timing for surveillance colonoscopy after removal of colonic adenomas are based on a risk estimation taking into account number and size of adenomas removed. In this study we audited the compliance with guidelines in the current practice of two ...
Right-sided Colonic Adenomas Tend to Reoccur on the Same Side and Correlate with More Advanced Surveillance Polyp Pathology: 1462Paradowski, TheodoreChahla, ElieHussan, HishamMalmstrom, TheodoreLaBundy, JenniferOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG...