Postcolonialism 不太好定义。一方面the age of colonialism随着去殖运动已经过去了,另一方面新的世界秩序仍然是帝国主义的。 - From colonialism to colonial discourse 后殖民研究有两个历史渊源,其中一个是去殖运动,另一个是西方思想传统的巨变(就是结构主义后结构主义那一段),然后这两个过程是相互作用的。 传统...
postcolonialismEmpire, colonialism, and race have been linked for more than two millennia. The very concept of race emerged in the context of empire. Modern colonial empires intensified the connections to race, since these polities were predicated on defining the colonized as inherently inferior to ...
” a detailed discussion on how the studio, its technology, sound and artistry are fetishized, mystified, and rendered exclusive by the “insiders” – the producers and engineers. Two things are key in this excerpt. First, women, such as Meintjes herself, are undermined ...
Extraordinary spaces in ordinary places: De Certeau and the space of postcolonialism The aim of this paper will be to explore and at the same time interrogate a number of theories relevant to the concept of space. The larger aim will be to show how de Certeau's ideas can be usefully incor...
Home as Middle Ground in Adaptations of Anne of Green Gables and Jalna Homi Bhabha begins "The World and the Home," his essay about nationalism, postcolonialism, and the unhomely, with a discussion of a book with a house in it... W Roy - 《International Journal of Canadian Studies》 被...
Post-colonialism/postcolonialism/PostColonialStudies •Thecriticalanalysisofthehistory,culture,literature,andmodesofdiscoursesthatarespecifictotheformercoloniesofEngland,Spain,France,andotherEuropeanimperialpowers.ThesestudieshavefocusedespeciallyontheThirdWorldcountriesinAfrica,Asia,theCaribbeanislands,andsouthAmerica.Post...
these gentlemen paid little attention to the details. None of them knew how to load paper in the copy machine. They had no concept of the time and logistics it took to host a conference. For as intelligent as these men were, I was often amused at the ‘magical world’ they seemed to...
introducing the concept of 'colonial complicity' to enlighten the manifold ways in which the northern European countries continue to take part in (post)colonial processes; 'exporting civilisation' in the form of their national self-images in respect of welfare state models and achievements in gender...
When Israel as a state or the policies of its government are compared to past colonial projects, the academic and historical dimension of debates about the concept and history of colonialism are overshadowed by the political uses and meanings ascribed to the concept today. Rather than an exploratio...