2.BostonTeaParty In1773,patriotsstagedthe“BostonTeaParty”inresponsetotheteatax. TheyboardedBritishmerchantshipsandtossed342cratesofteaintoBostonharbor. BritishParliamentthenpassedTheIntolerableActs: 3.TheFirstContinentalCongress TheFirstContinentalCongressheldinSeptember,1774. ...
his hand was stayed.The news came that King James had been dethroned by his angry subjects, and the people of Boston, kindling a fire on Beacon Hill, summoned the countryside to dispose of Andros.The response was prompt and hearty.The hated governor was arrested, imprisoned, and sent back ...
Angered by the new tax, colonists in Boston protested against the British by boarding three docked trade ships and throwing cargo of tea overboard into the ocean on December 16, 1773. This event became known as the Boston Tea Party. In response to the growing discontent against the British ru...
American colonies - Boston Massacre, Colonial Conflict, British Troops: There was an ominous incident in Boston, however, on the very day that North brought forward his repeal measure. Because the royal governor, Thomas Hutchinson, asked that troops be k
It was in Massachusetts that the colonists raised the hue and cry against taxation without representation, as exemplified by the Boston Tea Party; the activism of the Massachusetts colonists inspired others and culminated in the “shot heard round the world” at the Battles of Lexington and ...
It was in Massachusetts that the colonists raised the hue and cry against taxation without representation, as exemplified by the Boston Tea Party; the activism of the Massachusetts colonists inspired others and culminated in the “shot heard round the world” at the Battles of Lexington and ...
Providence boarded and burned the ship. Despite the fact that hundreds knew of or were involved in the attack, an official British inquiry could not locate any accomplices or perpetrators, and all escaped punishment. When the British government sought to punish Massachusetts after theBoston Tea ...
In May 2000, protestors shut down Freeport Mining's Indonesian offices in response to environmental and human rights abuses at the company's West Papua Grasberg mine [5]. More recently, Indigenous communities have united against the Belo Monte Dam (in Brazil) and the Keystone XL Pipeline (in...