The ravages of communicable illnesses, high death-to-birth ratios and uncontrollable waves of infection propelled the colonial government to establish the Central Board of Health, a short-lived entity (1852–1854), as a knee jerk reaction to the public health crisis (Roberts 2013). Third, the ...
The attempted Russification of Finland created a sensitivity toward those who were subjugated under colonial rule; this reaction has been dubbed "the wisdom of the oppressed" by Pekka Rantanen, Petri Ruuska, and Timo Särkkä in this volume. This wis- dom, however, was lost after ...
In 1764, the British Parliament began to impose taxes on the colonists to compensate for the losses in the French-Indian War. The Sugar Act was implemented which raised taxes on British goods imported to the colonies, including sugar, wine, coffee, dye, and cloth. After few months, the Sta...
Pérez’s popularity was short-lived, however, as riots broke out across the country in reaction to a rise in bus fares, which was part of a package of austerity measures that Pérez had announced in early 1989. Massive looting took place, and troops killed hundreds of people while ...