Because she knew many of the leaders of colonial America and the American Revolution personally, Mercy Otis Warren was continually at or near the center of political events from 1765 to 1789, a vantage point combining with her talent for writing to make
Protective face coverings have emerged as a potent, multifaceted metaphor for the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite inconsistent examples set by elected leaders and conflicting recommendations made by public health officials, unisex masks have steadily assumed a greater role in social distancing measures and be...
The rhetoric of revolution chipped away at the notion that elite leaders were best equipped to direct the country's future. In rural taverns, this rhetoric turned into tumultuous, often violent, action. Scribner makes an important contribution to our understanding of how political and social ...
Was America rich or poor compared with Britain and the rest of the western European leaders? Were colonial incomes distributed more equally than in western Eu-rope, or did slavery make the American colonies more unequal? Which were the economically leading colonies, and which were the laggards?
GeneralcharacteristicsofAmericanliterature 悠久/短暂 多样性 “美国文学起源于口头传诵的印第安文化中的神话、传奇、传说和抒情诗(通常是歌曲)”“由于欧洲殖民主义者对印第安人实行屠杀政策,印第安人的文化受到致命的摧残,他们的民间口头创作几乎完全中断。所以,美国文学不是从印第安人的民间创作中生长出来,而是从欧洲...
The style, which borrowed heavily from early American architecture - particularly Georgian style buildings - was largely an outgrowth of a new pride in America's past and a rapidly growing interest in historic preservation. Among the leaders of the movement were the partners at McKim, Mead and ...
Rather than focusingonspecific battlesorillustrious leaders of the past,they charted broader stories of the rise and fall ofempires and the transition of societies to differentgovernmental, legal, econom-ic and property orders.For our purposes here, the contribution of the cleric-turned-historian...
Theo-: connected with God; theology: the study of God神学 crat: ruler; democracy: rule by the people Religious leaders were also civil leaders. They were intolerant towards other religions. They regarded church members as superior to non-members. * a map of a colonial New England town shows...