Rum: a distilled history of colonial AustraliaMcLachlan, RobinJournal of the Royal Australian Historical Society
Zay Harding explores the colonial history of the State of Victoria in Australia. Starting in the Grampian Mountains, he meets the original inhabitants: the Aboriginal people. He then heads to the gold rush towns of Ballarat, Bendigo and ...See more ...
New South Wales - Free Society, Colonial History, Australia: Increasingly, the convict element was overshadowed by men and women who came to the colony as free people. The British government encouraged migrants who, it was hoped, could employ, discipline
crown, Australia, Canada and New Zealand [...] 作为从英国皇 室的帝国和殖民历史中产生的国 家,澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰也应作为今后研 究的一部分。 [...] so-called "privileges" because of special factors in our colonial history, we must note ...
Ecuador - Colonial History, Spanish Rule, Indigenous Peoples: During much of the colonial period, what is now Ecuador was under the direct jurisdiction of the law court (audiencia) of Quito and ultimately under the rule of the Spanish crown. Spanish cult
By focusing on early British colonization in Australia, it will be argued that colonial efforts to govern the Indigenous inhabitants by 'civilising' them, were premised on the view that the British were 'fitting' the Indigenous peoples of Australia for 'society'. The colonial history of the ...
"All of those statues, all of those monuments, are part of our history and we should respect them and preserve them -- and by all means put up other monuments, other statues and signs and sights that explain our history." He said that Australia was the "greatest country in the world,...
The Timeless Land is set in the early history of the English colony in New South Wales, Australia. 《永恒的土地》讲述的是英国人在澳大利亚新威尔士州的早期殖民历史 ,埃莉诺成功地塑造了第一任总督菲利普的澳大利亚国家奠基人形象和构成澳洲文化身份不可或缺的土著居民人物。 3. Netherlands East Indies is ...
behaviour of nurses during the Anglo-Boer War, 1899–1902 60 Charlotte Dale 4 'They do what you wish; they like you; you the good nurse!': colonialism and Native Health nursing in New Zealand, 1900–40 84 Linda Bryder 5 Training the 'natives' as nurses in Australia: so what went ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook colonial experience n (Historical Terms)historyAustralexperience of farming, etc, gained by a young Englishman in colonial Australia colonial experiencern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 199...