Wigs were a fashionable item in colonial America in the 18th century. The full-bottomed periwig, which had a cascade of curls, was by far the most popular in the early part of the century, but wigs decreased in size toward the end of the century.
Boys and girls studied art, music, French, needle work and girls learned how to nurse. Middle Colonies - Food They grew apples, wheat, corn, tobacco. They also ate chickens, pigs, cows. They hunted for deer, rabbits and turkey. Middle Colonies-Clothing Girls wore simple dresses Most of ...
boys and girls) wore white dresses called “frocks” •Toddlers sometimes wore “pudding caps” to protect their heads if they fell •Boys didn’t start wearing pants until they were between the ages of 3 and seven. •“Middling” and ...
Children’s clothes varied according to their age. Older boys wore clothes similar to those of young men, but some young boys wore so-called “Little Lord Fauntleroy” velvet suits withlacecollars and cuffs and with their hair dressed long in curls. Little girls wore dresses that were shorter...