The first is, that the federal legislature will possess a part only of that supreme legislative authority which is vested completely in the British Parliament; and which, with a few exceptions, was exercised by the colonial assemblies and the Irish legislature. View in context The Shipping and ...
Nevertheless, it was relatively easy for any man to acquire a small freehold, so cheap and abundant was land;and in fact a large proportion of the colonists were land owners.Thus the assemblies, in spite of the limited suffrage, acquired a democratic tone. The popular character of the ...
However, due to the schisms of 1925 and 1929, many Faith Tabernacle leaders, members, communicants, and entire congregations left the church to establish the first Pentecostal denominations in Nigeria, which were the Apostolic Faith (1928), the Apostolic Church (1931), the Assemblies of God (...
zenith in 1926. After the church's rapid demise between 1926 and 1929, leaders of Faith Tabernacle established most of the oldest Pentecostal Churches in the Gold Coast and Nigeria–such as the Apostolic Faith, the Apostolic Church, the Christ Apostolic Church and the Assemblies of God (Nigeria...
Blavatsky soon left Dayananda and established her own “Samaj,” whose Indian headquarters were outside Madras city, at Adyar. Annie Besant (1847–1933), the Theosophical Society’s most famous leader, succeeded Blavatsky and became the first and only British woman to serve as president of ...
The colonists demanded repeal of the Townshend duties. They also denounced the proposed use of part of the proceeds of the duties to pay the salaries of royal officials as subversive of their established system of government. The Americans were also unhappy because their commerce was increasingly ...