Colorectal cancer (CRC) is currently the third leading cause of death among men and women in the United States. The etiology of CRC is multifactorial, resulting in a heterogeneous disease. Patients who present with small, superficially invasive tumors can generally be treated with local resection....
Innovation plays a strong role in rectal cancer surgery at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Robotic surgery allows your surgeon to work more efficiently in small spaces, providing an enhanced view of the area where the operation is taking place. Some of the benefits include: Surgery perform...
Death statistics from colon cancer vs.rectal canceris not clear as an estimated 40% of rectal cancers are misdiagnosed as colon cancer (another reason for lumping them together numerically). What Are Colon Cancer Risk Factors and Causes? Most colorectal cancers arise from adenomatous polyps. Such ...
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer type, and it is the second most common cause of cancer death. Regular screening, beginning at age 45, is the k
Colorectal cancer or colon and rectal cancer: A clinicopathological comparison between colon and rectal carcinomas Clinicopathological comparison between colonic and rectal carcinomas. Oncology. 2007;73(1-2):52- 57.Li M, Li JY, Zhao AL, et al.: Colorectal cancer or colon and rectal cancer? Cli...
Before we move on to causes, symptoms, and treatment options for colon cancer, it’s essential to clarify and discuss colon vs. rectal cancer. Both colon and rectal cancer affect the large intestine, but they start in different places within it. ...
75#Background:A growing body of literature has reported differences in biology, metastatic potential, and outcomes among patients with colorectal cancer based on the sidedness of their primary tumor (right vs. left). Left-sided primary tumors have comprised both colon and rectal tumors, despite ...
Misdiagnosis of Rectal / Colon Cancer Colon canceris cancer of the large intestine (colon), which is the lowest part of the digestive system. Rectal cancer is cancer of the last six inches of the colon. Together, they are referred to as colorectal cancers. Each year in the United States,...
Colorectal cancer patients are commonly considered a single entity in outcomes studies. This is particularly true for quality of life (QOL) studies. This study aims to compare oncologic and QOL outcomes between right colon, left colon, and rectal cancer in patients operated on in a single high-...
Colorectal cancer or colon and rectal cancer: A clinicopathological comparison between colon and rectal carcinomas 206 Purpose: The issue whether colon cancer and rectal cancer should be considered as a single entity or two distinct entities is still debated. The aim of this study is to compare ...