Krain LS: Cancer of the colon in California, 1945-1966: The California Tumor Registry experience. J Surg Onc 2:323-334, 1970Krain LS (1973): Testicular cancer in California from 1942 to 1969: The California Tumor Registry experience. Oncology 27:45-5 1....
Three colon cancer cell lines, obtained from the heterogeneous colon carcinoma HT-29 cell line, have been shown to express different mucin genes under various conditions of metabolic stress. A population of differentiated enterocyte-like HT-29 cells, selected by hexose deprivation (HT29-G–), secr...
Koo, M. and Rao, A. V. (1991) Long-term effect of bifidobacteria and neosugar on precursor lesions of colonic cancer in CF1 mice.Nutrition and Cancer,16, 249–257. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Kritchevsky, D. (1995) Epidemiology of fibre, resistant starch and colorectal cancer.European ...
In the United States, colon cancer rates have been falling in recent years. But the recent screening proposal, released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, shows that experts are concerned about rising colon cancer rates in people under the age of 50. ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of tumor size on the long-term outcome of colon cancer (CC) patients after curative surgery. A total of 782 curatively resected T4a stage CC patients without distant metastasis were enrolled. Patients were categorized into 2 groups acc...
2. Age for colon cancer trending younger (under age 50) In contrast to falling or steady rates of colorectal cancer incidence in older adults, a concerning trend is the rising occurrence of young people (< 50 years old) with colorectal cancer. Simply blaming obesity and diabetes in this popu...
beginning when they were 25 to 42 years old. They found 114 cases of colorectal cancer in women under 45. The higher a woman’s body mass index, the greater her risk for early-onset colorectal cancer. Compared with women of normal weight — a body mass index between 18.5 and 22.9 — ...
From 2012 to 2016, the proximal colon was the site of colon cancer in 23% of those under 50 years of age, 31% of those 50-64 years, and 49% of those 65 and older. Incidence trends varied by race/ethnicity: in those 50-64 years old, rates increased in whites by 1.3% per year ...
Appropriate data from the California Tumor Registry (1945–1966) and the Alameda County Tumor Registry were analyzed with specific reference to colon cancer (excluding rectal cancer) I.C.D.A. No. 153. The high incidence of colon cancer in the Chinese population (33.8 per 100,000) requires fu...
This study was designed to: determine the efficacy of sentinel lymph node mapping in patients with intraperitoneal colon cancer; and create an algorithm to predict potential survival benefit by using best-case estimates in favor of sentinel node mapping and lymph node ultraprocessing techniques.Forty-...