Colon cancer is associated with increased IL-17Xie Z, Qu Y, Leng Y, Sun W, Ma S, Wei J, Hu J, Zhang XXie ZQu YLeng YSun WMa SWei JHu JZhang X
dissemination of primary cancerous cells, finally culminating into distant homing. The process of transition from less-motile epithelial- to more-motile spindle-shaped mesenchymal phenotype, known as epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT), is complex and correlates with disease...
the expression of Exo70 and its prognostic value for patients with colon cancer has not been well investigated to date. In this study, we observed that the mRNA and protein levels of Exo70 were upregulated in 11 of 13 colon cancer tissues, compared with...
When colon cancer is associated with bulky nodal disease, clinical T4b, locally unresectable, or medically inoperable, neoadjuvant treatment may be considered. In most resectable colon cancers, colectomy with en bloc removal of the regional lymph nodes is the widely accepted standard of care. However...
Colorectal cancer is associated with various life-style related risk factors includes age, diet, genetic predisposition, smoking, alcohol consumption, etc. Recent developments in colorectal cancer research promises that there is a significant improvement in the results of empirical therapeutics through new...
Conclusion:Colon cancer is associated with an upregulation of Gli-1 protein expression in colon tissues. In patients with colon cancer, Gli-1 expression level is closely related to lymph node metastases, T stages and postoperative live metastasis-free survival periods, indicative of a possible role...
TheNational Institute of Healthpublished a study which found that short-term mortality is higher for patients with colon cancer, particularly those who experience complications, than for their counterparts with rectal cancer.[2] Due to similarities of symptoms associated with these two types of cancer...
Alex Krist is a family doctor at Virginia Commonwealth University and a member of the Preventive Services Task Force. He spoke to The Associated Press. “We’ve seen moredatashowing that younger people are getting colon cancer at higher rates,” Krist said. “Basically, a 45-year-old today ...
Recent studies have revealed that several genes associated with poor prognosis are expressed by stromal cells rather than by epithelial cancer cells,9,10 and it is increasingly recognised that crosstalk between cancer cells and cells of the cancer stroma is involved in the acquired capacity for invas...
Colon cancer is the disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine. Latest Research and Reviews Mechanisms of KRAS inhibitor resistance in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer harboring Her2 amplification and aberr...