In 1978 the University of Colombo had Faculties of Medicine, Arts, Science, Education and Law. In the gradual expansion that followed in the 1980s, a Faculty of Management and Finance was established as well as Faculty of Graduate Studies was created by an Ordinance of the UGC in 1987. ...
In 1978 the University of Colombo had Faculties of Medicine, Arts, Science, Education and Law. In the gradual expansion that followed in the 1980s, a Faculty of Management and Finance was established as well as Faculty of Graduate Studies was created by an Ordinance of the UGC in 1987. ...
In 1978 the University of Colombo had Faculties of Medicine, Arts, Science, Education and Law. In the gradual expansion that followed in the 1980s, a Faculty of Management and Finance was established as well as Faculty of Graduate Studies was created by an Ordinance of the UGC in 1987. ...
科伦坡大学是斯里兰卡最古老的大学,位于首都科伦坡。学校座右铭“Buddhi Sarvathra Bhrajate”,梵文为“智慧启迪”,科伦坡大学致力维持学术研究卓越性。科伦坡大学设有7个系、43个学术部门、、7个研究所和多个中心和单位。在艺术、科学、医学、管理、金融、法律、教育、科技、美学研究领域的许多本科生和研究生的学习课程...