Colombo is divided into 15 zones and these zones have a designated postal code 1-15. Colombo 1/Fort Area - This is the commercial area and is heavily congested. Fort railway station is the main railway station in Colombo, from which major inter-city trains depart. The main bus terminals ...
查询斯里兰卡的邮编 斯里兰卡邮政编码10704对应的城市地址 邮编地名县市/州纬度经度地图 10704NapawelaColomboWestern Province6.95380.2075Google地图 附近的邮编 10524 10526 10600 10620 10640 10650 10654 10656 10660 10662 10664 10680 10682 10700 10704 10712 ...
查询斯里兰卡的邮编 斯里兰卡邮政编码10502对应的城市地址 邮编地名县市/州纬度经度地图 10502HoragalaColomboWestern Province6.810780.0466Google地图 附近的邮编 10280 10290 10300 10302 10304 10306 10320 10350 10370 10400 10500 10502 10504 10508 10511 10513 ...
COLOMBO’S MAIN NEIGHBOURHOODS Colombo is split into 15 postal-code areas, which are often used to identify the specifi c districts. Pettah, for example, is also referred to as Colombo 11 (or just Col 11) and so on. The main areas of interest: ZONE SUBURB Col 1 Fort The revitalised...