In only seven years, the brand had been inscribed in the symbolic repertoire of Colombianness, to the extent that it came to be considered one of the most powerful symbols of the nation. 展开 DOI: 10.1057/9781137500991_4 被引量: 1
In only seven years, the brand had been inscribed in the symbolic repertoire of Colombianness, to the extent that it came to be considered one of the most powerful symbols of the nation.doi:10.1057/9781137500991_4Juan SanínPalgrave Macmillan UKSanin, J. (2016). Colombia was passion: ...
The results have also demonstrated that precedent phenomena of the Colombian national anthem are complex in their construction from a lexical, semantic, grammatical, rhetoric perspective and capitalise on different geographical, historical, national, regional, metaphorical, onomasti...
The consistent use of emojis by participants from different cultural backgrounds suggests that emojis can act as universal symbols, bridging cultural and linguistic gaps while also allowing for the expression of unique social identities.Valentina Concu...