Geographical environment: Colmar is located to the north of the potassium basin and the sub-Vosges coal basin but also to the south of the coal basin of the Villé valley. The area of the municipality is 6,657 hectares; its altitude varies between 175 and 214 meters. The territory of Colm...
Europe France Grand Est Haut-Rhin Colmar Colmar PicturesColmar: Pictures Filter photos by Rate: Report as inappropriate Photo of Colmar, Haut-Rhin (a Facebook Member, Oct 2009) 26,707-26,712 of 26,859 © 2025 Tripadvisor LLC All rights reserved. Terms of UsePrivacy and ...
Weather Alerts-Colmar, Haut-Rhin, France There are currently no weather alerts for this location Radar Now Our Cookies. Your Choice. The Weather Channel uses data, cookies and other similar technologies on this browser to optimise our website and provide you with weather features b...
Europe France Grand Est Haut-Rhin Colmar Things to Do in Colmar Colmar ToursSee all things to do Explore Colmar's Art and Culture with a Local 3 Explore Colmar's Art and Culture with a Local By LocalBini - Your Platform to Experience Colmar through the Eyes ...
Maisons Prestige : constructeur de maisons en Alsace près de COLMAR (Haut-Rhin 68). Appelez-nous au 03 89 41 68 49 pour votre projet de construction de maison passive !
Description: commune in Haut-Rhin, France Postal code: 68420 Neighbors: Husseren-les-ChâteauxNotable Places in the AreaChâteau Saint-Léon Castle Photo: Djuenger, CC BY-SA 3.0. The Château Saint-Léon is a former castle in the commune of Eguisheim in the Haut-Rhin département of Fr...
地區代碼 +33-368-(230000...239999) 位於 Colmar, HAUT RHIN (68), 更詳細如下。 位置 國際撥號代碼:33 國際前綴:00 國家前綴:0 國內目的地代碼:368 用戶號碼從:230000 用戶號碼至:239999 國內目的地代碼長度:3 採用國內目的地代碼:是 國家重大號碼長度:9 ...
Assurance auto-moto à partir de 13,29€ Assurance habitation à partir de 7,40€ Complémentaire santé à partir de 14,88€ Nos offres professionnels Responsabilité civile pro à partir de 15,88€ Assurance décennale à partir de
Ngày5°•Đêm4° Dự báo Colmar, Haut-Rhin, Pháp Hôm nay Hàng giờ Hàng ngày 5° Khả năng có mưa35% 5° 17:00 5° Thời tiết hôm nay tại Colmar, Haut-Rhin, Pháp Cảm giác như4° ...
68018 CEDEX 68019 CEDEX 68020 CEDEX 68021 CEDEX 68022 CEDEX 68023 CEDEX 68024 CEDEX 68025 CEDEX 68026 CEDEX 68027 CEDEX 68029 CEDEX 市镇:Colmar 选区/城市 :Arrondissement de Colmar 省/区 :Haut-Rhin 大区:Grand-Est 纬度:48.0833 经度:7.3667