COLMAP是一款开源的结合SfM(Structure-from-Motion)和MVS(Multi-View Stereo)的三维重建Pipeline,编译成功后我们能获取带有图形界面的软件(Graphic Interface)和不需要图形界面的二进制可执行文件(Command-Line Interface),可进行稀疏重建和稠密重建。源码链接及教程为:。 三维重建_COLMAP...
点击左上角的Undistortion进行图像的去畸变。 点击Stereo进行密集匹配,时间将会较久。 完成密集匹配后,可以看到生成的深度图,colmap采用的是PatchMatch的倾斜窗口密集匹配算法。点击Fusion进行深度图融合生成稠密点云。 完成后,可以导出稠密点云结果(实际,在dense文件夹下已经进行了自动保存。) 接下来需要进行表面重建,可以...
COLMAP3.6-- Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo(Commit1432f00on2020-05-09withoutCUDA) Usage: colmap [command] [options] Documentation: usage: colmap help [-h,--help ]colmap gui colmap gui-h [--help ]colmap automatic_reconstructor-h [--help ]colmap...
stereo: 包含立体重建结果 fused.ply: fusion处理的结果,该文件可以在Colmap GUI界面通过click -> File -> Import model from ...进行导入 meshed-possion.ply: meshing处理的结果 run-colmap-geometric.sh以及 包含 example command-line usage to perform the dense reconstruction...
Issue Running patch_match_stereo on an A100 GPU the GPU "util" fills up, but the power usage is extremely low, see graph below: This seems to indicate that there are some cuda kernels in patchmatch that take a lot of "clock-time" but are...
(database_path)maps=pycolmap.incremental_mapping(database_path,image_dir,output_path)maps[0].write(output_path)# dense reconstructionpycolmap.undistort_images(mvs_path,output_path,image_dir)pycolmap.patch_match_stereo(mvs_path)# requires compilation with CUDApycolmap.stereo_fusion(mvs_path/"dense...
pycolmap.stereo_fusion(mvs_path / "dense.ply", mvs_path) ``` PyCOLMAP can leverage the GPU for feature extraction, matching, and multi-view stereo if COLMAP was compiled with CUDA support. Similarly, PyCOLMAP can run Delauney Triangulation if COLMAP was compiled with CGAL support. This requ...
patch_match_stereo \ --workspace_path $DATASET_PATH/dense \ --workspace_format COLMAP \ --PatchMatchStereo.geom_consistency true $ colmap stereo_fusion \ --workspace_path $DATASET_PATH/dense \ --workspace_format COLMAP \ --input_type geometric \ --output_path $DATASET_PATH/dense/fused.ply...
stereo_fusion: Fusion of patch_match_stereo results into to a colored point cloud. poisson_mesher: Meshing of the fused point cloud using Poisson surface reconstruction. delaunay_mesher: Meshing of the reconstructed sparse or dense point cloud using a graph cut on the Delaunay triangulation and vi...
// * Parallelize stereo fusion; needs pre-loading of entire workspace by @anmatako in * Refactoring and new functionality in Reconstruction class by @anmatako in * Add new...