where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...
Instead, use a more strict criteria to filter UndistortImages(cameras, images, true); LOG(INFO) << "Filtering tracks by reprojection ..."; bool status = true; size_t filtere_num = 0; while (status && ite < options_.num_iteration_bundle_adjustment) { double scaling = std::max(3 -...
Looking at the images, I think there are multiple problems: The scene has little texture, so only few matches can be established. I guess you will need to adjust some of the parameters of Colmap (lower the minimum number of inliers required). At the same time, the specular highlights caus...
where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...
where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...
where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...
where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...
where image1.jpg is the relative path in the image folder and the pairs of numbers are zero-based feature indices in the respective images. If you must import many matches for large image collections, it is more efficient to directly access the database with a scripting language of your cho...