How to use colloidal silver nasal spray to treat respiratory infections: You can use either a colloidal silver spray or a dropper. To ease an infection or congestion, use one or two squeezes of the spray directly up your nose. Do this 4 to 5 times a day for relief, or whenever needed...
Silver has been used for at least six thousand years to prevent microbial infections. It hasproven to be effectiveagainst almost all organisms tested, and it has played an important role in the development of radiology and improving wound healing, according to research out of the University of ...
So I could decide between the three I went with the garlic and silver but I was to first put 1 capsule of Interfase in the Neti pot use it first to get rid of the biofilm of the Ecoli, then to spray the nose with one of the sprays which is very smart. Perhaps this info will ...
When traveling by air, safeguard against infection by using a spray bottle of colloidal silver. To use, spray your hands, face, and into your mouth. Do this every couple of hours while flying. #9 – For your furry friends Maybe it’s a gunky eye or a festering wound. Maybe it’s ol...
Committed to producing the safest, purest and most effective colloidal silver Bio-Active Hydrosols and First Aid Gel - compromising nothing in the process.
Fortunately, silver ions have no negative effects on the enzymes we need nor on any other aspect of human function. Drink it, spray it topically, and, best of all, breathe CS with one of our portable nebulizers, the Mini for $29, or the MistaSilver deluxe model on sale for $79. ...