The only safe colloidal silver products are the ones you use on your skin, like creams and medicated bandages. There are some topical products that contain silver that are approved by the FDA for wound care and infections; however, these are not the same as colloidal silver. What is the di...
Development of antimicrobial colloidal silver incorporated lyophilized biopolymer wafers for wound careLyophilized antimicrobial wafers were developed as a successful wound dressing for combating microbial infections at the site of application with enhanced wound healing activity....
Colloidal Silver — How To Use It for Eczema and Wound Care In a research article produced by Pharamcognosy Communications in 2012, it was recommended that colloidal silver should be considered for[...] Read More Feline Herpes Treatment with Colloidal Silver ...
It has been proven effective for at least 6,000 years at strengthening the immune system against microbial infections. Colloidal Silver has also played a critical role in improving wound healing, according to University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. The safe range of “Parts Per Million” (...
Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic. It is the most usable form of the most effective disease, germ, virus and fungal killers. It has been found to be both a remedy and prevention for colds, flu, all infections and all fermentation due to any bacteria, fungus or virus. ...
Prior to the advent of antibiotics, colloidal silver was a common treatment for infections. This therapy fell out of favor until the 1990s, when the risk of antibiotic resistance starting becoming a concern for many healthcare professionals. How does colloidal silver work? It is believed that ...
Silver Sulfate is silver salt highly used in plasters and creams for wound care. Our product is manufactured under GMP conditions, specially indicated for medical devices Class III. DMF open part and close part available for registration in Europe, America and Asean countries. ...
Always take care when taking herbs andRead Our Disclaimer. Colloidal Silver Notes / Side Effects All of these positive claims considered, colloidal silver is still ignored by the medical community at large. Scientifically speaking, the human body has no essential need for silver. Someone who is ...
Silver has been used for at least six thousand years to prevent microbial infections. It hasproven to be effectiveagainst almost all organisms tested, and it has played an important role in the development of radiology and improving wound healing, according to research out of the University of ...
Colloidal silver, when applied topically (to the skin), can aid with wound healing and infection prevention. Only test-tube experiments have proved that colloidal silver has any advantages, however, it is unnecessary for individuals to ingest it, and it may even be hazardous. Wound Healing ...