solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的.现简单解释如下: solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物; suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静置一段时间后,会...
在化学中,solution, suspension, colloid 和 emulsion 有着不同的含义。这些术语描述了不同物质在液体中的分散状态。首先,solution 是一种均匀混合物,其中一种化合物以分子形式溶解在另一种液态化合物中。这种状态下的混合物非常稳定,不会发生分离。其次,suspension 是一种固体颗粒分散在另一种液体中...
solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的.现简单解释如下:solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物;suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静置一段时间后,会发...
solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的。现简单解释如下:solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物;suspension, 悬浮液,一种固体分散到另一种液体中,固化以小颗粒形式与液体混合,静...
在英语中,solution, suspension, colloid & solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion之间的区别是不英文本身,而在于这些概念本身,这些应该是在化学课上学的。现简单解释如下:solution,溶液,一种化合物以分子形式分散到另一种液态化合物中,是一种均匀的混合物;suspe
US5180522 Mar 4, 1988 Jan 19, 1993 Yoshiaki Kawashima Colloid solution for preparing suspension having both fluidity and suspensibilityUS5180522 * Mar 4, 1988 Jan 19, 1993 Yoshiaki Kawashima Colloid solution for preparing suspension having both fluidity and suspensibility...
Related to colloid solution:crystalloid solution,suspension colloid [so-loo´shun] 1.a homogeneous mixture of one or more substances (solutes) dispersed molecularly in a sufficient quantity of dissolving medium (solvent). pharmacology, a liquid preparation of one or more soluble chemical subst...
that in colloidal solution,size of colloidal particle is in between 1 to 1000 nm and they show scattering of light(even though they r not visible with naked eye) and for suspension solution,suspended particles r in range of size of more than 1000 nm.These particles can be seen through ...
真溶液,胶体,悬浊液,乳浊液的区分依据)(Atruesolution, suspension,emulsionofcolloid,thebasisforthedistinction between)) Watercanbeusedtodissolveavarietyofsubstances,isavery goodinorganicsolvent,waterusedasasolventsolution,that iscalledwatersolution.Use"AQ"asatoken,suchas"HCl" (AQ)". Whensubstancesaredissolved...
The mixture is also called a colloidal solution, colloidal system, or colloidal dispersion. Is coffee a colloid? Is coffee a solution colloid or suspension? Coffee is both a solution and a suspension: When in water, coffee beans contain many water soluble compounds that dissolve in the water....