2. Apoptosis expression in NEG decreases according to degree of thyrocytes in a nodule, but in NTG falls pro rata to accumulation of thyroid FA. 3. Positive reaction for TSH in NEG tissue was found in 100%, whereas negative reaction for this receptor in NTG tissue was observed in 81% of...
Zacks JF,Morenas A,Beazley RM,et al.Fine needle aspira-tion cytology diagnosis of colloid nodule versus follicular vari-ant of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Diagn Cyto-pathol . 2002Fine needle aspira-tion cytology diagnosis of colloid nodule versus follicular vari-ant of papillary carcinoma ...
Fine-needle aspiration cytologydiagnosis of colloid nodule versus follicular variant of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Diagn Cytopathol. 1998;18:87-90.Zacks JF,Morenas A,Beazley RM,et al.Fine-needle aspiration cytology diagnosis of colloid nodule versus follicular variant of papillary carcinoma ...