Thyroid colloid cystsphthalate esterstoxic metalsadolescenceWe aimed to evaluate 14 urinary phthalate metabolites and 4 toxic metals in adolescents having thyroid colloid cyst (TCC) and compare with age and sex-matched others without TCC. Phthalate metabolites were analysed with UPLC-MS/MS and heavy ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook thy·ro·col·loid (thī'rō-kol'oyd), A colloid substance in the thyroid gland. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 thyrocolloid (thī″rō-kŏl′oyd) Colloid contained in the thyroid gland. ...
2.The gelatinous stored secretion of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin. 3.Gelatinous material resulting from degeneration in diseased tissue. adj. Of, relating to, containing, or having the nature of a colloid. col·loi′dal(kə-loid′l, kŏ-)adj. ...
3、The news got worse: Cameron had acolloidcyst-a rare, potentially fatal brain tumor.(而进一步的确诊带来更坏的消息,卡梅隆患的是第三脑室胶样囊肿,一个罕见而致命的肿瘤。) 4、Objective To observe early effect of two kinds of hypotoniccolloidsolution on celiac seawater immersion wound in field ai...
3.A translucent, yellowish, homogeneous material of the consistency of glue, less fluid than mucoid or mucinoid, found in the cells and tissues in a state of colloid degeneration. Synonym(s):colloidin. 4.The stored secretion within follicles of the thyroid gland. ...
MacrophagesThyroglossal duct cystProteinaceousThyroglobulinPapillary thyroid carcinomaAspirationNumerous histiocytes can be seen in a variety of hyperplastic and neoplastic benign and malignant thyroid nodules undergoing cystic degeneration. Typically, such cystic degeneration is seen on smears...
papillary carcinomacarcinoma in which there are papillary growths that are irregular in nature arising from otherwise normal tissue; it can occur in the thyroid gland, the breast, or the bladder. Called alsopapillocarcinoma. renal cell carcinomacarcinoma of therenalparenchyma, composed of tubular cel...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromcolloid goiter) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia goi·ter (goi′tər) n. A noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at the front of the neck, that is often associated...
Define Colloid cyst. Colloid cyst synonyms, Colloid cyst pronunciation, Colloid cyst translation, English dictionary definition of Colloid cyst. n. 1. An abnormal membranous sac in the body containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance. 2. A sac o