Collisions for Hash Functions CollisionsforHashFunctions CollisionsforHashFunctions MD4,MD5,HAVAL-128andRIPEMD XiaoyunWang1,DengguoFeng2,XuejiaLai3,HongboYu1 TheSchoolofMathematicsandSystemScience,ShandongUniversity,Jinan250100,China1 InstituteofSoftware,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100080,China2 Dept.of...
Yu, "Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD," IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, ... X Wang,X Lai,D Feng,... 被引量: 9发表: 2004年 ExtendedMD4的碰撞攻击和RIPEMD的伪原根攻击 密码学里的Hash函数在现代通信、金融、计算机等许多领域有着极为广泛的应用...
Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD. 安全焦点的讨论: 个人理解: 1.首先破解这个东西对硬件要求比较高,一般的人是不能达到的.“在IBM P690主机上”,光这个ibm p690现在还不是普通用户的工具; 2。该算法只是说重新得...
Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD. Xiaoyun Wang,Dengguo Feng,Xuejia Lai,et al. Rump Session of Crypto’04 E-print . 2004WANG Xiao-yun,FENG Deng-guo,LAI Xue-jia. Collisions for Hash functions MD4,MD5,HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD[A].Interlaken:Springer-Verlag,2004....
pseudo-collisions for the complete hash functionsARIRANG-224 andARIRANG-384 with complexity 223and close to 20, respectively. We implemented the attacks and provide examples of appropriate pairs ofH,Mvalues. We also provide possible configurations which may give collisions for step-reduced and full...
RC4-Hash is a variable digest length cryptographic hash function based on the design of the RC4 stream cipher. In this paper, we show that RC4-Hash is not collision resistant. Collisions for any digest length can be found with an expected effort of less
Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD MD5 is the hash function designed by Ron Rivest [9] as a strengthened version of MD4 [8]. In 1993 Bert den Boer and Antoon Bosselaers [1] found pseudo-collision for MD5 which is made of the same message with two different...
Security-Amplifying Combiners for Collision-Resistant Hash Functions {\\it A.~Joux} ["Multicollisions in iterated hash functions. Application to cascaded constructions", Lect.~Notes~Comput.~Sci.~3152, 306316 (2004; Zbl 1104.68043)] for iterated hash functions $H_{0}$, $H_{1}$ with $n$-...
Summary: At Crypto 2007, Joux and Peyrin showed that the boomerang attack, a classical tool in block cipher cryptanalysis, can also be very useful when analyzing hash functions. They applied their new theoretical results to SHA and provided new improvements for the cryptanalysis of this algorithm....
The EnRUPT hash functions were proposed by O'Neil, Nohl and Henzen as candidates for the SHA-3 competition, organised by NIST. The proposal contains seven concrete hash functions, each with a different digest length. We present a practical collision attack on each of these seven EnRUPT variant...