If you’ve recently purchased a new vehicle, you know that you most likely need to purchase a basic type of car insurance, usually known as liability coverage. Beyond that, though, you may be overwhelmed by your coverage options. Comprehensive and collision are the two types of physical damag...
Collision coverage can be expensive, but people can save onpremiumsby choosing a $500 or higher deductible. Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance The main difference between collision and comprehensive coverage comes down to the question of what the driver controls. Collision insurance will cover events...
Most states have laws that require all drivers to have some degree of insurance coverage if they plan to drive a vehicle in the state, often to cover bodily harm and liability for property damage.1Collision coverage is not always part of these basic mandates though. You may choose to add ...
While you’re shopping for auto insurance, two types of coverage you’ll come across are comprehensive and collision coverage. These coverages aren’t state-mandated requirements, but they are beneficial for many drivers. Here’s a deeper look at comprehensive and collision coverage, and the reas...
The combination of collision and comprehensive insurance, combined with liability insurance, is typically referred to as full coverage car insurance. Learn more in our collision vs. comprehensive insurance explainer. Do you need collision insurance? Much like your car, collision coverage becomes less ...
Jim Waltrip
To understand what auto collision insurance is, you first need to be aware that auto insurance comes in several parts. Liability coverage is basic and required in almost all states. Collision, on the other hand, is an optional type of insurance that helps pay for the damage to your car fol...
Collision insurance or collision coverage is part of your automobile insurance policy that covers any damages to your vehicle caused by an accident. Collision insurance will only cover damages due to accidents you cause.
But MJF says that is just when Cole became a liability. And since Cole’s “a fragile little freak,” him jumping off that ramp and exploding his ankle made him a distraction! Distractions, liabilities, emotions, there are no room for those when all you should be concerned with is ...
Collision coverage is the kind you want to have if your vehicle is totaled, either because of an accident or due to an act of nature. But it will bump your auto insurance premiums up a bit, so drivers are often eager to drop it as soon as they reasonably can. Knowing when it's the...