Since older cars typically have a low market value, collision coverage won’t pay out much, if anything, in a total loss. Be sure to research your car’s worth before deciding on whether to drop the coverage. Is collision insurance required by law? No state legally mandates collision ...
The answer is, it depends. Cars devalue over time, starting with the moment you drive your car off the lot. If you’re driving a current-year car or one that is only a few years old, it has probably held on to much of its value. Older cars are worth considerably less. A good wa...
We are big fans of keeping an older vehicle looking like new to avoid new car payments. Bring your car by our shop and we can offer some low-cost suggestions on how to bring some life back into it, such as complete paint touch-ups, buff and polish headlamps, replacing floor mats, or...
The Hidden Costs of Rental Cars; Before Buying Collision Damage Waiver, Check Your Own CoverageAlbert B. Crenshaw
“There were individuals working on the bridge at the time. There are cars in the water – our fire department has confirmed that as they lead this search-and-rescue mission through sonar. That is where our focus is – it’s about those souls, those people ...
To understand what auto collision insurance is, you first need to be aware that auto insurance comes in several parts. Liability coverage is basic and required in almost all states. Collision, on the other hand, is an optional type of insurance that helps pay for the damage to your car fol...
“As the vehicle approaches a miner, it automatically slows to the point where it can come to a complete stop with the vehicle without engaging the emergency brake. That’s not always the case with some of the older equipment out there,” May said. “Some tend to be abrupt in terms of...
During my most recent analysis, I noticed the values of our cars slowly drop as they get older and their mileage grows. That shouldn’t shock anyone, but there are always some people that are clueless. This month, my analysis led me to ponder a question that I don’t think enoug...
Better be sure that your liability insurance and collision coverage are in good shape with your insurer. And, if you're the parent of a newly driving teenager who is also armed with his or her own cell phone, you need to be especially sure that your car insurance for a young driver is...
The two cars parked roadside were separated by 1 m, and their left side was positioned 1 m away along the lateral direction from the right side of the host vehicle. Figure 8. Simulation environment for the vehicle–pedestrian collision scenario: (a) Experiment setup at the start of the ...