This study presents high-precision analyses of stable potassium (K) isotope ratio using the recently-developed, collision-cell multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CC-MC-ICP-MS, Nu Sapphire). The accuracy of our analyses is confirmed by measuring well-characterized geostandards...
Sapphire from Nu is a next generation Multi-Collector ICP-MS. The collision cell capable instrument builds on the field proven Nu Instruments Multi-Collector ICP-MS platform (with over 170 installed instruments worldwide) to add unrivalled capabilities. The Sapphire features high and low energy swit...
Calcium isotope measurements using a collision cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS - ScienceDirectWei Dai aFrédéric Moynier aMarine Paquet aJulien Moureau aBaptiste Debret aJulien Siebert aYvan Gerard bYe Zhao b
We report techniques for measuring K/K ratios using a Nu Instruments Sapphire double-focusing MC-ICPMS, equipped with a hexapole collision/reaction gas cell. Large Ar-hydride spectral interferences, as well as the Ar ion beam from the Ar-plasma, are effectively eliminated through a series of ...
McCurdy E, Woods G. The application of collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to multi-element analysis in variable sample matrices, using He as a non-reactive cell gas. J Anal At Spectrom. 2004;19(5):607–15....
conventional MC-ICP-MS mode, through mass filtering and mass shifting using the Collision/Reaction Cell, or in high resolution, using the mass filter in conventional mode. Our users can choose and combine the feature and capabilities they need to best achieve their analytical goals.Read more......
Moureau J, Granet M, Chartier F, Favre G, Isnard H, Nonell A . High accuracy measurement of Mo isotopes by MC-ICPMS with in situ Mo/Zr separation using N 2 O in a collision reaction cell . J Anal Atom Spectrom ( 2008 ) 23 1538 ....
Sun, X., Andersson, P., Land, M., Humborg, C., and Mo¨ rth, C.-M.: Stable silicon isotope anal- ysis on nanomole quantities using MC-ICP-MS with a hexapole gas-collision cell, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 25, 156-162, 2010....
To calculate the distance between recording-site and cell body, values are needed for the collision interval between antidromic and succeeding orthodromic spkies, the refractory period of the spike, and the antidromic conduction speed. Problems may arise in determining the last value. The method is...
Gourgiotis, A., Granet, M., Isnard, H., Nonell, A., Gautier, C., Stadelmann, G., Aubert, M., Durand, D., Legand, S., Chartier, F.: Simultaneous U/Pu separation and direct isotope ratio measure- ments by using CO2 as gas in a collision/reaction cell based MC-ICPMS. J. ...