1.1 Function principle CAS-M light provides information for distance and relative speed of the closest vehicle behind via two LEDs (left and right) in the driver display. Only the closest vehicle behind is considered. All other objects are suppressed. In large (green) and medium (yello...
A Shipping Company based in Liberia, A Shipping Company based in the Taiwan Region, Lin A, and Zhang A (dispute over compensation for damage caused by a collision between vessels) 中文标题:最高人民法院发布人民法院台胞权益保障十大典型案例之五:台湾地区某保险公司诉利比里亚某海运公司、台湾地区某海运...
Within the interference zone, the distance between the ship and the pier increased rapidly after the action of the disturbance zone to 9.1, 5.8, and 6.2 times the ship's width, respectively, reaching a safe distance. During the process of being affected by the interference zone, the maximum ...
The work of [21] focuses on multi-story autonomous navigation for service robots, emphasizing the localization of elevator buttons through computer vision. They deploy a multi-story SLAM system that detects elevator buttons in real-time, enabling the robot to autonomously navigate between floors of ...
Through a special datalink, UAVs that are participants in a conflict communicate with each other. According to the relative position and motion between participants, each participant chooses three maneuvers from a pool of nine available maneuvers that may be performed to avoid collision. Three ...
Based on the meaning of ship domain and the stage of the close-quarter situation, the period of the close-quarter situation stage is defined as the period between when the TS will not pass outside the OS's ship domain to when the OS will collide with the TS, even if the most ...
FGM assumes that the robot and obstacles are circular objects, then measures the robot's dimensions in order to add it into an obstacle's dimension for calculating the path. This process can be done as follows: it computes the gap array that stores all of the distances between obstacles and...
However, in this designed system, the acoustic spectrum was in the range below 1 kHz, which had a strong impact on the desired distance between the hydrophones and the implemented method for collision detection. Although it is more convenient to analyze signals from an array with a large ...