Translation Dictionary. This app contains dictionary data from HarperCollins in our popular Ultralingua interface. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs in all standard forms, and the number translator to convert numerals into German or English text instantly...
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4. used as an auxiliary to indicate possibility, opportunity, or likelihood: my trainer says I can win the race if I really work hard. [Old English cunnan; related to Old Norse kunna, Old High German kunnan, Latin cognōscere to know, Sanskrit jānāti he knows; see ken, uncouth] Usa...
Define high heels. high heels synonyms, high heels pronunciation, high heels translation, English dictionary definition of high heels. Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Translation Dictionary. This app contains dictionary data from HarperCollins in our popular Ultralingua interface. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs in all standard forms, and the number translator to convert numerals into German or English text instantly...
Translation Dictionary. This app contains dictionary data from HarperCollins in our popular Ultralingua interface. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs in all standard forms, and the number translator to convert numerals into Spanish or English text instantly...
Translation Dictionary. This app contains dictionary data from HarperCollins in our popular Ultralingua interface. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs in all standard forms, and the number translator to convert numerals into German or English text instantly...
an expression used to preface a remark, gain time, etc: well, I don't think I will come. [Old English wel; related to Old High German wala, wola (German wohl), Old Norse val, Gothic waila] well (wɛl) n 1. (Civil Engineering) a hole or shaft that is excavated, drilled,...
Define press upon. press upon synonyms, press upon pronunciation, press upon translation, English dictionary definition of press upon. v. pressed , press·ing , press·es v. tr. 1. a. To exert steady weight or force against: an indentation where the rock