near Calhoun street has the best options in my opinion. There are always so many events and clubs to be a part of. Most of them do cost money however. They have a great rec center with a number of fitness classes and programs. Some of which again cost additional money. The area is ...
Study abroad encouraged and facilitated even if pre med. Gorgeous campus. Inclusive residential life. Brilliant yet helpful classmates from every state and over 100 countries. I still regularly talk to my roommates 34 years later. Unparalleled sports with far reaching esprit de corps. As an ...
With many years of industry recognition, U.S. Colleges' mission is to successfully prepare our graduates for new career opportunities by offering viable career options and providing quality educational programs based on the training they need. You’ll have the opportunity to learn hands-on from exp...
I fell in love with it. I played D3 sports all 4 years while doing pre Med and attended UCSF school of medicine directly after as I had excellent letters from faculty I knew very well. I then went on to do residency at Harvard and am now affiliated with Stanford. I met my wife at...
Chem. Engineering graduate. The engineering programs are rigorous and challenging. Not. too much handholding, but that was good since I graduated feeling prepared with what I learned. Even though the school is giant, I still had many opportunities to develop relationships with my professors. Schoo...
With San Fran leading 10-0 in the second quarter, the 49ers rushed just two, meaning nine defenders were in coverage. Although no rusher was near Warner, you could almost hear the clock in his head -- "Three seconds; must unload football." He threw a deep out toward Steve Breaston, ...
UD has high quality faculty who show interest in you. The university is student-centered and degree programs are top notch. As a music education major, my four years at Delaware prepared me to walk into the music classroom with confidence. A great place to learn. If you dream it, you ca...
Starting on a Covid year was a bit rough for all of us, but I was truly looking forward to coming to campus and finding myself and thriving. I must say, it has been a disappointment since. To start with I was given poor advice as an incoming freshman interested in premed. There ar...
Not even those who are interested in premed. Here's a surface-level look of what goes on at Hopkins: Lack of care for students: - I have a friend who also graduated as a Bloomberg Scholar (a supposed full-ride). She was initially promised that the scholarship would cover her tuition,...
I chose Augustana because of the way professors connected with me before I was even a student here, the opportunities as a pre-med student, and the amazing community. Augustana felt like home before I was even a student here. I have been given more professional and personal development opport...